for lifegroup HOSTS AND LEADERS 

When it comes to growing in our faith, the Bible is pretty clear that church was meant to be experienced with other people.  We are “spiritually formed” in community.  It’s healthy for us.

And while our one-hour-a-week worship services can be helpful, they’re still not a very good way to get to know others or to “do life” together.  That’s why we encourage everyone to get into a LifeGroup. 

Each group lasts for just a few months. They typically meet in homes.  Food is frequently there.  And there are opportunities for practical Bible study, prayer, serving projects and just “hanging out”

The Fall 2024 Semester starts the week of October 6. For most of our groups, we will assume that you will continue through the Winter months through the end of April.

Below, you’ll find two types of forms:

  • To inquire about or signup to HOST a group (with someone else leading)

  • To inquire about or signup to LEAD a group (with you or someone else hosting)


Instructions: To signup to HOST or to get more information about HOSTING, fill out the HOSTING section and click on the HOSTING BUTTON below.



Instructions: To lead a group (whether or not you or someone else hosts), fill out the form below and click the SUBMIT button below.

Note: In order to lead a group, we require that you have already attended a LifeChange Lifegroup in a previous semester.