One of our values at LifeChange is to SERVE our local community. Our desire is to be the hands and feet of Jesus right where God has placed us! We have a number of partnerships with community agencies including:
KIDS HOPE USA is a 1 on 1 mentoring program that LifeChange partners with in Sycamore Elementary School
HAND2HAND is a ministry LifeChange partners with to Provide weekend food for kids in area schools
HUNGRY FOR CHRIST is a food-distribution ministry in Hamilton with numerous volunteer shifts on weekday mornings, and every second and fourth Thursday
PROJECT HOPE is a local ministry center that is in search of volunteers for the thrift store, and offers an opportunity to adopt families buy purchasing holiday gifts
SYCAMORE ELEMENTARY has families in need of winter gear, and also has families that could use Christmas gifts
INTERESTED in SERVING in one of these areas? Click the button below to let us know, and we’ll get you connected!
In addition to the areas above, we are on the lookout for other ways to serve our community.
If you know of a need in our local community, or have a personal need and live in the LifeChange area, we want to hear about it. Please click the button below to let us know the nature of the request.